Friday, December 31, 2010


Confession! Didn't work out today...haha oh well...tomorrow's supposedly a new year right?

I did have a good work out last night though!

I did I total of about 130 crunches (3 different variations)

And an upper body workout specifically designed for hitting...then after that I played vball for about 3 hours.
I found out that I am way more out of shape then I thought I was in those 3 hours! haha

Well, tomorrow is my day off...see you guys Sunday. :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well my knee feels a ton better today! Praise the Lord! I really don't know what happened...but it feels strong again. :) I'm still going to give it a little longer though to heal completely.

Tonight I decided to do some core. Also got a little but of shoulder strengthening in.

I did 3 sets of the following
1:00 plank
:45 Side plank
:45 side plank
12 scissor kicks

1:00 superman
12 reverse crunches
1:00 superman

I feel it was pretty balanced. I  guess we'll see how sore I am in about 24 hours. :P

12 reverse crunches

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Delay....

   Well, today I realized that I think I pulled  a ligament or something in my knee yesterday. At one point a was doing crossovers and I tripped and knee twisted...:/

 SO lower body is going to be on hold for a little while....hopefully not more then a week. But that's'll give my hamstring more time to heel also, and I'm going to be working on flexibility too.

 Also, I've been trying to decide on two courses of action here...I want to get in shape as quickly and efficiently as possible. So the question it better to work your muscles to the point of slightly tearing them, and give them an extra day to recover(or not). OR would it be better to work them to the point where you can slightly feel it the next day, but not tear them. There are two completely separate schools of thought on this issue, and I'm leaning towards the second one. The obvious physical difference would be that following the work out with the first method you would feel very sore.  The second, your muscles would just feel tight.
Anyone have any thoughts of theories on this? I'm being pretty easy on myself. ;) I just played about 2 hours of doubles in sand....and tonight I am planning on playing 2-3  hours on court. It'll be a decent overall workout....but I'm not going to do any thing too intense today...Gonna try and give my joints a break for a while...

Until next time. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Decemeber 27th

Well today didn't go as planned. I ended up spending my morning fixing my vertical measurement apparatus thingy. Then ran out the door to coach. Ended up pulling my hamstring leading warm-ups, (I feel really pathetic admitting that right now, but it happened. Shows how out of shape I am.) so when I got home I was sore and tired, and when I tried measuring my vertical I was not getting very good results for obvious reasons. So I decided to wait til tomorrow for that when I am fresh.

I did however, do a quick core work out this evening and some stretching.

My work out consisted of 2 sets of the following.
40 sec full body plank
30 sec side plank
30 sec side plank
45 sec superman plank
10 full-body crunches

Felt good and was the perfect little work out to end and exhausting day.

As you can see from the above work out I am a huge fan of cross training. What I mean by cross training is I like to work more then one muscle group with the same workout. Planks are an excellent way to cross train.



Sunday, December 26, 2010


    I'm no fitness and nutrition expert. So most of my ideas are just a conglomeration of information that I have gleaned from various sources over years of random studying. I just try and sort out what makes sense and seems to work.  I learned a little bit about nutrition in high school, but all that is pretty much forgotten. (who remembers that stuff anyway???)  ;)

  I do have a sister, who knows a ton about nutrition, that I go to when I need to know what is and isn't healthy, and why. ;) Check out her blog. She is an amazing chef.

   Alright, so I know that most people would say that there isn't much 'mass' to me in the first place. :P So don't laugh when I say this. BUT one of my goals for this first month is to shed and redistribute weight. Since I'm training specifically for speed and a higher vertical that means that any excess body weight, whether it's muscle or fat is going to hold me back. I will try and expound on how exactly this effects my monthly plan as I go on.

  Another thing I'm going to work on is getting to bed a little earlier....*cough*...*looks at clock* so I'm gonna try and get a good rest tonight. :)

Until next time! Stay toned. ;)



Starting tomorrow.

    That's when we would all prefer to start yeah? :) I've always been the type of person to plan out these huge extensive work-outs with long term goals, and then always lean back on the couch and say "starting tomorrow" with a contented sigh.

    I've decided that I'm through with that...this time (I know I've said this a thousand time before) but I actually AM going to start tomorrow! :P  And this blog is designed to sorta keep me on track with that.'s the deal. I was inspired to start a workout blog when I walked into my sisters room with a notebook and said, "I'm going to write a year long workout plan for 2011...then throw it away."  Great idea right? I mean ...the task of holding yourself accountable to something that was preplanned for a WHOLE year seems slightly daunting. And that's what is so great about being accountable to yourself...throwing it away is always an option. Well my sister is a runner and she had  just made a fitness blog for herself and she told me that I should start one too! So I did. Thus the idea was born.

   Okay, well I would go on rambling if it wasn't for the fear of loosing my one follower. ;) I actually did write up a plan for the year of 2011, and it basically consisted of something like this.

"workout everyday 2011. 'cept saturday's -actually maybe 3 days a week. No everyday would be good. yeah. everyday. -make that 6 days a week. 5 when I feel like it. oh and I'm actually starting 5 days before 2011."

   I did throw it away.

   After pondering it for about a second I realized it was a bit ridiculous to actually write a comprehensive plan for a whole year. So I will probably end up drafting my plans by the week or maybe the month depending on how it goes....

If you read my "about me" hopefully you got a general idea of the purpose of this blog. If you haven't read it. Please do so now.

SO, tomorrow my plan is to measure my vertical, speed and agility, so that I can gauge my progress with accuracy. I will try and post my plan for this next week soon.

Stay 'toned'! (I thought of that all by myself) :P
